Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Working at McD : Day 2

Well, Day 2 means you know where you should go already, and I told the manager I was to be stationed at the back. Got there. Worked as usual. This time though, quite some interesting things happened. Firstly, there were people who, well, are quite, err, rich. I wanted to return the change, but they told me to keep the change. I was like, lol and wtf?? I can't accept tips. Seriously. And then, I learned how to spot an African's car. Well, 98% of the time, it is a Proton, maximum 2 years old. Waja, Persona, Wira and Satria Neo. And then, 100% of them, well, use the freaking high beam. Idiots. From far can see them, and my eyes hurt. Why can't they use the normal light like everyone else? Why need to be so special? Goddamnit.

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